- Before reading this passage in 1 Corinthians 5, what was your opinion about or experience with judging others? What is the typical public opinion on judging others? (Matthew 7:1-5)
- From your recollection of Jesus’ encounters with people during his ministry, who did he typically spend time judging? …not judging?
- How is the church today perceived with respect to judging people outside and inside the church?
- What happens when a church is more concerned with judging those outside the church than evaluating and dealing with their own behavior?
- Do you think that believers today typically give one another a “pass” when it comes to calling out sin in their lives? Why or why not?
- What wrong attitude toward the problem in their church did the Corinthians have? (v 2)
- What does “hand this man over to Satan” mean and how could that be good for the man? (v 5)
- From the yeast metaphor (v 6-8) what would have been the result if the church had continued to ignore this man's behavior?
- What are the goals of the action of expelling the immoral brother as described in this passage?
- What two conditions should be present before you are ready to judge another believer? (v2, Matthew 7:5)
- What is the benefit of removing the plank from your own eye before judging another believer?
- Why are there two different standards for judging - one for Christians and one for those who are not Christians?
- When we judge people outside the church, who are we acting like? (v 13)
- How different would the worldview of Christianity be if we got this right?
- As a believer, and given the understanding of the intent of the passage, do you accept that someday a brother or sister in Christ may judge you? How does that make you feel?
Bottom Line Point(s):
- Sometimes judging is the loving thing to do.
- To refuse to judge is to fail to love.
How can you apply what you’ve learned here?
- How does your attitude towards those outside the church need to be adjusted?
- How does your attitude towards those inside the church need to be adjusted?
- Who is a Christian in your life headed in the wrong direction? What is your responsibility to him or her? What will you do to help this person get back on the right track?
- Barton & others, "Life Application Bible Commentary: 1&2 Corinthians"
- MacArthur, "1 Corinthians: Godly Solutions for Church Problems"
- "Serendipity Study Bible for Groups"
- “Life Application Study Bible, NIV”
- Tyler Jones, Vintage21 Church, Sermon on same topic 11/18/07
- Andy Stanley, North Point Community Church, “Judgment Call: Double Standard,” 10/27/07
- Mark Driscoll, Mars Hill Church, “Judging Like Jesus,” 2006